Posted: July 28th, 2022

Select a general human resource management topic that interests you (Employee retention) Your goal here is to form a claim (or a thesis or a research question) and then, when you write the paper itself, to convince your audience of the validity and correctness of your claim

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1) Select a general human resource management topic that interests you (Employee retention) Your goal here is to form a claim (or a thesis or a research
question) and then, when you write the paper itself, to convince your audience of the
validity and correctness of your claim. 2) Select a specific aspect of this topic (Employe retention) as your focus. For example, if I selected the glass
ceiling effect as a general topic, I might want to know more about the circumstances
under which the glass ceiling effect impacts first-generation immigrant women in the
United States (or a particular state or region of the country). This specific aspect of your
general HRM topic is the focus of your term paper. The research paper should be 8-10 pages double spaced utilizing APA 7th edition formatting. Again you should use at least 4 scholarly sources to support your topic.

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