Posted: June 7th, 2022

Select an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for your fictional department/institution. You will create a brochure to pass out to your employees informing them about the system.

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Select an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for your fictional department/institution. You will create a brochure to pass out to your employees informing them about the system. For this assignment:
Define what an ERP system is, and why it is important for your organization
Detail why you selected this ERP and not another option
Address the concerns associated with why ERP systems often fail
Determine how you intend to remedy the concerns in your organization
Infer how you will use this ERP now and in the future
Make sure the main points of your brochure are clear and supported. Transitions are clear and logical, the organization is well planned, and the language used is appropriate. For example, highlight and use key words and phrases to persuade your audience that the ERP system is the right one for the organization.

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