Posted: May 5th, 2022

Select and describe a leader you admire.

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Select and describe a leader you admire. Your selected
leader may be either a real-life individual or a fictional character from
television, movies, or a book. Using leadership theories, analyze your
selected leader to identify characteristics, and provide specific examples of leadership qualities you think contributed to that person’s success.
Evaluate your own leadership style. Select a mentor,
and hold a discussion with that individual about your own leadership
Write a paper in which you explain your leadership style and
your ideas for improving your effectiveness as a leader based on your
comparison with the admired leader and what you learned through your discussion
with your mentor.
Post your paper under the assignment thread for grading.
Required Elements:
– 1,000 words (1 Cover page/1 Reference page – Total of 6
pages minimum)
– Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
– Submit as a Microsoft WORD attached file

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