Posted: August 4th, 2022

Select either the Kurt Lewin Change Model or John Kotter’s eight-step organizational change module. For either one, think about your strategy capstone organization, or your current or former employer. or other organizations you know well. Consider changes that the firm introduced, or intends to introduce, at the strategic, functional or tactical levels.

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Strategy and Strategic Change
Select either the Kurt Lewin Change Model or John Kotter’s eight-step organizational change module. For either one, think about your strategy capstone organization, or your current or former employer. or other organizations you know well. Consider changes that the firm introduced, or intends to introduce, at the strategic, functional or tactical levels.
Kurt Lewin’s Change Model

Option # 1
Kurt Lewin’s Change Model

Watch Dr. Lewin’s video. Describe Kurt Lewin’s Three-Step Change Model, and discuss whether this process would be helpful for the capstone organization you have selected, or an employer or organization you are familar with. What changes might your organization be seeking? Would this model help your firm to clarify your change processes? Why or why not? Integrate appropriate terminolgy.
Option # 2
John Kotter’s Model of Organizational Change
The second option is to review one of the most followed experts on organizational change, John Kotter. Watch the YouTube regarding his Eight-step model for change. Consider the changes you have experienced in the casptone strategy organization, or as part of an organization, as an employee, contractor, or supplier, and share with your colleagues how management broached the changes.
Did they use any or all of Kotter’s eight-step model?
Looking back, are there any of the steps you believe are irrelevant, out of sequence, or, in an opposite line of inquiry more useful than others?
Would you adopt the Kotter model in the face of organizational change?

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