Posted: May 5th, 2022

Select TEN different images from at least THREE different museums.

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Select TEN different images from at least THREE different museums. Your selections have to be different so that no more than three images come from a particular museum.
THEN, write a brief paragraph on each of the ten images considering the following:
What is the image showing? When was the item created and for what purpose? What do we as historians learn about the time it was created and the lives of the people from that time from studying the object?
The name of each item and its museum should precede your answers.
ALSO, Provide an URL link for each item chosen and cite them in Chicago style format.
-Write at least FORTY WORDS of each image chosen after the identification/museum.
-Double Space
Click on each link and select the TEN images in different galleries. Using “Explore” is often a good way to see what is available within the collections.
Links to the Museums Galleries: Be sure to click at the bottom where it says “Show More” Be sure to click at the bottom where it says “Show More.” Be sure to click at the bottom where it says “Show More.”

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