Posted: October 13th, 2022

Select text or short text for the field type for all other fields.

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In Application 4-2, you practiced using alphabetic indexing rules 5–8 to file names that would appear on physical documents. In this application, you will use the same names in an electronic database. To compare the results of the two methods, you will enter the names as written (the filing segment) and by filing units.
Create a new Access database file named 4-4 Customers.
Create a table in the database named Customers.
Create these fields in the table: ID Number, Filing Segment, Key Unit, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5. Select AutoNumber for the field type for the ID Number field. Select Text or Short Text for the field type for all other fields. Set the ID Number field as the primary key.
Enter the names from Application 4-2 in the Customer table. In the Filing Segment field, enter the complete name as written. In the other fields, enter the data in all capitals and follow the alphabetic indexing rules 5–8 presented in this chapter. (Do not enter information shown in parentheses after a company name in the Units fields.)
Sort the records in the Customer table in ascending order by the Key Unit field. Does the order of the records in the sorted table match the order of the records you sorted manually in Application 4-2? If not, how does the order differ?

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