Posted: February 20th, 2022

self-fulfilling prophecies

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ESSAY: Write a 10-12 page essay.  Select a topic that intrigues you from the following list, or suggest your own. If you want to write on a topic not listed here, get your instructors approval first.
illusory correlation
self-fulfilling prophecies
attribution errors
self-serving biases
aggression/social stimuli
intergroup conflict
peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups
interpersonal attraction
cognitive dissonance
love and close relationships
helping behavior
conformity and obedience
indoctrination and cults
social loafing
leadership or minority influence
catharsis, frustration, and aggression
individualism vs. collectivism
gender roles
The structure of the essay is of your choosing. You may present an argumentative, comparative (compare and contrast), persuasive, reflective, or research easy.  This is an upper-division course.  This flexibility affords you the opportunity to explore newly acquired concepts and write a paper meaningful to you (e.g., career interests, personal connections).
Leverage the writing of the essay to showcase effective communication of social psychological principles and applications relevant to your selected topic.
Support discussions (topics and logic) with sound research, evident through the integration of properly cited theory and facts collected from a minimum of two (2) peer-reviewed journal articles.
articles are vetted for quality and adherence to editorial standards, and published in scholarly journals (such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology). Use the  database to find peer-reviewed articles.  It is your responsibility to make sure that the journal articles you select are appropriate. If you are unsure about the relevance of your articles, contact your instructor for approval.  Two peer-reviewed articles must meet the following criteria:
Articles should address an original research study, meta-analyses, summary, editorial or theory.
Refereed  Articles must come from peer-reviewed journals found in the UMGC library.
Social Psychology Focus  Articles must be relevant to social psychology.
Recent  Articles must have been published within the last 10 years.
For example, the following would be a relevant peer-reviewed journal article for investigating the influence of emotional intelligence on academic performance:
MacCann, C., Jiang, Y., Brown, L. E., Double, K. S., Bucich, M., & Minbashian, A. (2020). Emotional intelligence predicts academic performance: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 146, 150186.
In addition to the peer-reviewed articles, you may also use sources from the Web, your textbook or other books. Magazines and newspapers are generally not acceptable. For instance, Psychology Today would not be a preferred scholarly choice. If you are not sure, ask your instructor.
FORMATTING: Structure your paper utilizing  (7th Edition); this includes , double-spacing, appropriately sized  (e.g., 12 Times Roman), one-inch margins (left, right, top, and bottom), page numbering, and logical flow from topic to topic. Include a title page and references page(s).  The page count requirement excludes the title page and references.
Information and/or quotes from selected sources should be relevant and thoughtfully placed. Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition, for proper form of in-text citations and references.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation of your paper. Please review the Applied Final Project Rubric that accompanies the instructions in Assignments for point allocations.
AccuracyAre your stated facts or ideas correct?
ClarityIs your essay clear and easy to follow? You may want to read your essay out loud to yourself. This will help you catch incomplete sentences or lapses in logic.
DepthAre the issues and implications well thought out and explored?
OriginalityWhat is your thesis (the main point of your essay)? Have you stated your own views and articulated them well? Use your own words. Do not copy material directly from your text or other sources without quotation marks. If you want to use the author’s exact words, put them in quotation marks and cite the page number from your text or other source material. Don’t forget to express your own opinion.
Supporting evidenceAre your ideas supported with empirical evidence? This is a crucial part of any well-written essay. You may support your ideas with theories, previously conducted research, or other information you encounter in the text and other sources (journal articles and so forth). You may also use personal experiences as supporting evidence when appropriate.
ReferencesDid you use appropriate references to support the main points of your paper? Be sure you have these referencesthat is, that you have the articles on hand if you used them, and make sure that your references relate to the point you are making or support your inferences.
Form, composition, spelling, and so forthIs your paper neat and error-free? It helps to run spellcheck before submitting your work and to have a colleague or friend read over your work.
Did you follow the formatting rules of the American Psychological Association (APA)? You may want to visit the

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