Posted: February 23rd, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a creative writing project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Hi, I need a short bibliography on Betty Hart. Provide an overview of what you are about to tell us and a preview of your researcher.Is this person alive or dead? Actively researching or practicing or retired?
Who are the populations (animals or humans) that they worked with?
What is their contribution to behavior analysis? What are they best known for?
End with a summary of what you did and that you are going to explain your findings
Contribution to the literatureYour summary should include (about 4-5 paragraphs):What were the common elements of the literature that you found?
Did you find any literature that did not fit the pattern?
Cite all sources using APA style. Be sure to use in text citations, even when you paraphrase materials.
Any more than 4 words in a row from an article is considered a quote. If you do not cite appropriately, this may result in an Honor Code referral.
Requirements: Intro: 2-3 paragraphs 2nd part: 4-5 paragraphs with 5-8 sentences in each paragraph Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA FormatPlease be sure to carefully follow the instructionsNo plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. My professor will be submitting the paper to TurnitinInclude at least one in-text citation for each paragraphPlease be sure to use the sources that I provide and make sure that any additional sources used are credible or scholarly
Requirements: 2-3 paragraphs 2nd part: 4-5 paragraphs with 5-8 sentences in each paragraph Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format | .doc file
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