Posted: June 27th, 2022

Since standards are National, what does that say about how training should be conducted? Should training be centralized or decentralized?

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For my first rough draft, which is attached, I got a 70/100-this paper wasn’t good. I need a 100%.
Feedback from the professor is below:
“Since standards are National, what does that say about how training should be conducted? Should training be centralized or decentralized?
-I will need to see a clear discussion of the model.
-I will need to see more detailed plan from start to finish… including the exhibits that connect.
-Think through specific measures of success that you’ll evaluate. That will require you to be specific about the goal… yes you are wanting to create a new training program… is it to create more uniformity? In response to client complaints? Something else? This matters because it determines if a new training program improves any of these. Otherwise, it’s hard to say if creating a new training program did anything.
– What’s being measured? If you survey newly trained employees what are you asking? How do you know if this is different from previous training?
– Please re-read and watch the change vision statement content… it must be measurable and have a timeline associated.
Remember you need exhibits.”
“-My final grading will be whether or not you follow directions and show that you have a well-designed plan (which will have stakeholder participation and look at the cause of the problem).
Some general notes below:
– Across the board, the change vision statement needs refinement. Please rewatch the content and refer to referenced pages… it must have something measurable and a timeline.
– Note that force field analysis and change vision statement are two required exhibits, you have to choose a third. That third exhibit should be created not copied and pasted. Think fishbone diagram… some other data visual…
-The Congruence Model helps diagnose… but it isn’t prescription… use it in one stage of your change initiative, but you’ll need to include other components.
– I need to see a brief discussion of the model(s) upfront. Then, I want to hear about your planned initiative from start to finish (with sufficient detail, but not 10 pages worth).”
Please take this information above and add more and answer all questions. Please utilize the book:
Organizational Change – An Action Oriented Toolkit, 4e
By: Gene Deszca, Cynthia Ingols, Tupper Cawsey
Publisher: Sage, 2020
ISBN: 978-1544351407

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