Posted: February 20th, 2022

Six Myths of Product Development

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Read the following from the book, On Innovation:
Six Myths of Product Development
Innovation: The Classic Traps
It seems like we are surrounded by new innovations every day. However, if you think about it, you can probably list several industries, organizations, processes, etc. that are far behind the innovation curve and could use some improvement.
For this forum, complete the following:
Name an industry or organization that you think could use innovation.
Why hasn’t innovation taken hold in this industry or organization (inhibitors or destroyers of innovation; myths or classic traps)?
What could be done to reverse this (include the characteristics of those who are catalysts for innovation)? You must directly integrate the information you’ve learned thus far in this course and cite those resources appropriately.
For your responses to others, consider what the student recommended as catalysts for innovation in that industry.  Reply with the prototyping approaches would you suggest and why.

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