Posted: May 4th, 2022

Social Security contributions, Medicare contributions, retirement contributions, healthcare benefits, paid holidays, vacation time, overtime pay, family medical leave, training, and any other requirements employers must provide in order to comply with the law, and/or effectively compete for valued personnel talent

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Using the selected readings, video clips, and any other credible outside sources, present your research findings on the requirements of today’s businesses that mandate compensation benefits to their employees. Research and consider benefits in the form of Social Security contributions, Medicare contributions, retirement contributions, healthcare benefits, paid holidays, vacation time, overtime pay, family medical leave, training, and any other requirements employers must provide in order to comply with the law, and/or effectively compete for valued personnel talent. Include a minimum of two credible references that were used in your research. Once again, employ the aforementioned “Guidelines for Writing Papers” instructions in the development of your work.
Please follow directions exactly :
As usual and for all papers use the “Guidelines for Writing Papers”
Your papers should be:
word-processed using Microsoft’s WORD (extension .doc or .docx)
double-spaced without extra lines or spaces between paragraphs
write in essay format in your own words
no abstract needed in this course
all papers should be 3 to 5 full pages not including reference or cover page – no extra paragraph titles
overly long posts do not ensure “extra” points, especially if not your own work
Your papers should have:
one-inch margins
a font size of 12
a cover page that includes your paper’s title, your name, the date, and the course identification
an introduction that states the purpose of the paper, and provides a roadmap of the paper’s contents
paragraphs that develop and support your ideas
section titles or headings, that help to organize your presentation
a conclusion that summarizes the paper
a logical flow
smooth transitions between ideas
in-text citations and a reference (bibliography) page using APA style (no footnotes)
NO grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors
This is NOT an art project!

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