Posted: March 2nd, 2022

Sources of Epidemiologic Data

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Sources of Epidemiologic Data
There are many sources of epidemiologic / public health data available via online databases. Your task this week is to explore some of these resources and learn how to generate/access data.
Go to the websites below and explore the following systems:
WISQARS (Use Data VIsualization tool)
SEER (Use SEER*Explorer Application)
BRFSS (Use a tool in Prevalence Data & Data Analysis Tools)
1) Select one of the systems above for post.
2) Briefly describe the purpose of the system and how the data in the system is obtained.
3) Identify a disease or health issue of interest to you – then, query the system and generate a report/data related to this issue. You must be able to produce an original figure using the tools given on the website.
4) Summarize and explain in epidemiological terms, what you queried, and what your results indicate.
5) Include a graph or figure that you generated from the system.
Make sure to address all parts of the assignment.

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