Posted: August 5th, 2022

State a matter of public concern that is of interest to you. State the reasons that this public concern engages your attention

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title of your essay should read “Civic Scientific Literacy Essay”.
The format of your writing is as follows:
1) State a matter of public concern that is of interest to you.
State the reasons that this public concern engages your
attention. State the scientific issue or principle underlying (related
to) the public concern of interest to you.
2) Identify the civic scientific knowledge addressed in this
course as it relates to your public concern. Reference: 1) a portion
of your textbook; 2) a classroom lecture; and 3) a laboratory
experiment in your answer or 4) a New York Times Article for our
Discussion Board articles.
3) Explain how the civic scientific knowledge you identified
expanded your understanding of your public concern. Explain
how this civic scientific knowledge changed or reinforced your
opinions or attitudes towards your public concern.
4) Thinking about the civic scientific knowledge you identified,
how could you use this understanding to address, resolve or
improve the matter of your public concern.
Potential Topics:
Climate Change
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Alternative Energy Sources
Species Extinction
Sewage Pollution

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