Posted: November 19th, 2022

State each model and explain r-square, significance f, and p-values

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The Excel file Concert Sales provides data on sales dollars and the number of radio, TV, and newspaper ads promoting the concerts for a group of cities. Develop simple linear regression models for predicting sales as a function of the number of each type of ad. Compare these results to a multiple linear regression model using both independent variables. STATE EACH MODEL AND EXPLAIN R-SQUARE, SIGNIFICANCE F, AND P-VALUES
-Omit Step 3. -For Step 6, interpret the p-values but do not take further action. We will learn about that in the next section. -For Step 9, predict Sales Dollars based upon 42 thousand Radio & TV ads and 32 thousand Newspaper ads. Please note that “Radio & TV” ads is a single variable. Please take note that Step 9 has been found to be the most challenging.

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