Posted: September 9th, 2022

Step ONE: Choose an organizational issue at a fictional company that could be based on a real life one. This issue could be something you are dealing with or have dealt with at work

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Step ONE: Choose an organizational issue at a fictional company that could be based on a real life one. This issue
could be something you are dealing with or have dealt with at work. Examples of challenges are low
productivity or a hostile environment.
Step TWO: Writing the Paper
-Application of Theories
Select a minimum of two theories that will help you address your organizational issue. At least one
should be from the competency content. Then, select at least 15 scholarly articles or books (no less than
8 journal articles) that will help you describe the theories and address your issue. All of these sources
will be included in your paper.
Write a 3,500 – 4,000 word paper (not including the reference and cover pages) which should be laid out
as follows:
1. Introduction that shares the history of your fictional organization and issue in a clear and
engaging manner.
2. Summary of the two theories (at least one should be from the competency content, in-text
citations should be in correct 6th edition APA format).
3. Explanation of why you chose these theories and why they are relevant to your organizational
4. Explanation of how you will apply these theories to make a difference within your organization.
5. Explanation of how some of the concepts in the competency will help you tackle the
organizational issue.
6. Recommendations for how to address the stated organizational challenge.

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