Posted: January 6th, 2023

Stoichiometry and Cooking

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Discussion Board: Stoichiometry and Cooking
One of the topics that is covered in this module is the concept of chemical reactions and stoichiometry. This idea is very similar to recipes in cooking.
In this discussion post, you will provide a recipe and explain the various reactions mentioned in Chapter 5. After creating your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers in a substantive manner. Comments like “I agree” or “Good point” are not accepted as required responses.
Combination (Additions/Synthesis)
Single-Replacement (Substitution)
Discussion Prompts
Write out the recipe and list all the ingredients (including the measures) of your favorite dish.
Explain how the ingredients in this recipe cause one or more of the listed reactions above.
Ask ONE (1) clarifying question about a topic you find difficult or want to learn more about from the concepts introduced in this module.

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