Posted: September 29th, 2022


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STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OUTLINE of CVS HEALTH CORP. Part 1 (10 pages) (no specific citation format. Needs endnotes)
FIRM OVERVIEW 10% (the following sections are worth 2% each) Introduction: The introductory paragraph should give an overview of the paper. Describe what the reader should expect from the paper. Discuss how the paper is organized. Firm founding and historical milestones: Describe how the firm was founded: what, who, when, how, and why. Describe how the firm has evolved since its beginning. Highlight important historical events: products, patents, ads, sales, acquisitions, mergers, etc. Current state of the firm: Describe the current state of the firm: size, sales, geographic scope, products, difficulties, marketing strategies, etc. How is the firm performing during the most recent timeframe? Define the scope of the analysis: What part of the firm do you plan to study: product, market, division, geographic scope? What time frame does the study cover? Problem statement, purpose of analysis: Why are you conducting the analysis? What problem do you intend to solve through the analysis? EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT 70% (the following sections are worth 10% each) General environment: Describe the trends and supporting evidence in the external environment: economic, demographic, socio-cultural, technological, regulatory/political, global, and physical. Classify each of the general environment trends into opportunities and threats. (No mention of the industry or target firm here.) (See Table 2.1) (Add your conclusion of the evidence.) (Add O-T table to appendix.) Industry trends: Describe the industry trends. What factors have been driving, or expected to drive, the industry: include recent past, present, and future trends? (Add your conclusion of the evidence.) Economic structure/Life cycle stage: Identify the industry’s economic structure: monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly, or fragmented. What is the lifecycle stage: introduction, growth, shakeout, mature, decline? The narrative should discuss the data identifies/supports the industry classification and lifecycle stage. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the industry structure and lifecycle stage? (Chart required) Provide supporting data as needed. Porter’s Five Forces: Discuss Porter’s 5 Forces here. Identify each force as low or high. Provide supporting data as needed. Identify suppliers and buyers explicitly. Discuss the three most important questions: industry attractiveness for new entrants, incumbents, and target firm. (Add your conclusion of the evidence.) Strategic Group Analysis: Conduct a cluster analysis using two variables that “clusters” the direct competitors on the strategic mapping graph. Variables are subjective but they should be logical and apparent. The narrative should discuss the chart: the variables, the strategic group, and the supporting evidence. (Chart required) Key Success Factors: Identify 5 variables that are critical factors to succeed in the target industry. Rate each direct competitor on each variable using a 1-5 scale (1=poor performance, 5=excellent performance). Discuss the notable ratings for each of the firms and provide supporting data. (Table required) (Add your conclusion of the evidence.) Competitor Analysis: Create a table with your target firm and two most direct competitors. Answer the questions regarding future objectives, current strategy, assumptions, capabilities, and response. (See Figure 2.3) The narrative should discuss the notable strengths and weaknesses of the firms. (Add your conclusion of the evidence.) CONCLUSION 1% ENDNOTES 2% REFERENCES 2% APPENDICES 10% (Graphics, charts, tables, figures, etc.) STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OUTLINE:
EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT -General environment (2 pages) -Industry trends (1 page) -Economic structure/Life cycle stage (½ page) -Porter’s Five Forces (2 page) Strategic Group -Analysis (½ page) -Key Success Factors (½ page) -Competitor Analysis (1 page) -CONCLUSION (½ page) ENDNOTES REFERENCES APPENDICES (graphics, charts, tables, figures, etc.)

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