Posted: May 28th, 2022

Strategic Appraisal Report– This analysis is expected to give students the opportunity to evaluate a company of their choice and use the strategy tools discussed in this course. You will act as a consultant who has been asked to give a status of the organization to the board of directors.

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Strategic Appraisal Report– This analysis is expected to give students the opportunity to evaluate a company of their choice and use the strategy tools discussed in this course. You will act as a consultant who has been asked to give a status of the organization to the board of directors.
Board members are short on time so it is very important that your report is concisely written and free from speculation and drama. You must use APA style writing and your report should be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 7 pages.
Your report should include the following:
The organizations vision/mission statement
The external environment including:
Segments of the environment that currently impact the firm
Porter’s Five Forces Model
The internal environment including:
Resources, capabilities, and core competencies
Value chain analysis
SWOT analysis
Business model
Type of business-level strategy used
Competitor analysis
International opportunities
Organization structure & leadership

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