Posted: July 14th, 2022

Strategic thinking and planning can facilitate an organization’s success by helping to ensure that the board’s actions and decisions support the organization’s vision and mission.

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Strategic thinking and planning can facilitate an organization’s success by helping to ensure that the board’s actions and decisions support the organization’s vision and mission. The strategic plan serves as the guide for decision-making and helps board members to critically evaluate proposed actions. Despite the importance of strategic thinking and strategic planning, board members commonly offer resistance to strategic planning efforts. As a professional, the executive director must often take the lead in developing the strategic plan in collaboration with the board and with other internal and external stakeholders. He or she should encourage less-experienced board members to commit to and engage in the strategic planning process so that the process can benefit from the unique perspective each board member can offer the organization.
Consider your experience with strategic planning and thinking in your personal and professional life. What barriers, if any, have you experienced? What about your successes? How do those translate to the nonprofit boardroom?
With these thoughts in mind:
Post an explanation of the barriers of resistance you might face as an executive director trying to get board members to commit to strategic planning and thinking.
Explain how you maintain a relationship with the board while addressing and overcoming these barriers.
Reference to use
BoardSource. (2010). The handbook of nonprofit governance. San Francisco, CA: Wiley.
Chapter 10, “Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning” (pp. 189–210)

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