Posted: July 13th, 2022

Student will propose the creation of a new technology-enabled business organization that is expected to grow over a period of 10 years and acquire other new customers, which may be individuals or organizations.

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Student will propose the creation of a new technology-enabled business organization that is expected to grow over a period of 10 years and acquire other new customers, which may be individuals or organizations.
The organization will connect truckers (or trucking firms) and shippers through a web site and related technologies. Good models for this organization would be Uber Freight and C.H. Robinson Worldwide.
The organization’s key source of revenue would be the fee (defined by a “take rate”) that they will charge for each shipment. The organization is expected to have yearly revenues of 1 billion dollars by the 10th year of its existence.
The student team members should see themselves as the founders of the organization, and develop their project as such. While the project is part of a course, it is not expected to be a “toy” project. That is, students should focus on creating an organization that would be successful in the real world, given current economic conditions and existing competition, as opposed to creating a fictitious organization to get a good grade in the course.

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