Posted: October 12th, 2022

Students can also include conclusions that were drawn from these readings, career

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The student will write a 2–3-page paper (not including title, abstract, and references) reflecting
on what they have learned through this course. The paper should include what was learned from
the journal readings, textbook readings, or things that were learned in preparation for the
assignments. Students can also include conclusions that were drawn from these readings, career
path changes due to the learning and the reasons why, or what was learned about the culture and
organization of the aviation world and their place in it. Include specific examples of what God
has done in your life over the past eight weeks and what you’re thankful for from this course.
**********Articles were on Data Analysis, research methods, Biblical worldview must be included, must talk about being a pilot and my research project of problems with the 737 MAX*********

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