Posted: July 5th, 2022

Students will conduct an in-depth analysis of an organization in the student’s field of work or industry they aspire to work in. Through this analysis, the student will prepare a detailed set of recommendations for a specific problem facing the organization as selected by the student.

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*** Please read carefully and thoroughly ***
Students will conduct an in-depth analysis of an organization in the student’s field of work
or industry they aspire to work in. Through this analysis, the student will prepare a detailed
set of recommendations for a specific problem facing the organization as selected by the
student. Your analysis should use publicly available information on the organization under study.
If you utilize private information (surveys, interviews, etc.) you may need to seek
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Any consideration of using private information
must be discussed with your instructor prior to beginning your project.
Student’s field of work/industry for the paper is Finance and Accounting.
The report should be between 25 and 30 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract, references page(s) or appendices. The paper should follow APA formatting guidelines, be typed, double-spaced and use Times New Roman, 12-point font
The Final Report will include the following sections:
Title page – properly formatted according to APA formatting guidelines.
Abstract – properly prepared and formatted according to APA formatting
Introduction – What problem will you be investigating? Why is the problem worth
investigating? What is the background to the problem, how did it develop, etc.?
What organization will be the subject of your investigation? Provide appropriate
information about the organization (history, mission/vision, industry, leadership
structure, organizational structure, financial position, etc.) so the reader has a
thorough understanding of the organization.
Problem statement – Provide a clear and concise statement to the problem to
include key constructs associated with the problem. Make sure that you define the
constructs within the problem and avoid generalizations. Use academic definitions
to define your constructs. For example, if your problem involves leadership
effectiveness, clearly define leadership and what ‘effectiveness’ means.
Literature review – Research each construct that is related to the problem under investigation. Introduce each construct and then inform the reader of the construct using academic journal articles to build the body of knowledge on the construct.
Methodology – This section should be relatively short and state how you have developed your resolutions to the problem. This may be accomplished through a meta-analysis and thought experiment. However, you approached your resolution and recommendations to the experiment, they should be discussed in this section and supported by sound theory.
Results – This is an objective discussion of the results of your methodology and is not based upon your opinion. In this section, provide a brief summary of the literature review and methodology section (one paragraph each) and then transition into what these sections have told you. For example, “From the literature we see that emotional intelligence is a key personality trait for those who emerge as leaders. Survey results from this study support this finding…”
Discussion/Recommendations – In this section, you should apply your results to the specific problem under investigation in a more subjective way. List and discuss any recommendations developed in response to your research and results pertaining to the problem under investigation. “Organization X should identify individuals high in emotional intelligence as potential leaders within the organization. Training and development programs can aid in this effort and reduce the randomness that is currently present in leader emergence and development within the firm…”
Conclusion – a concise conclusion to the paper.
Reference page – properly formatted according to APA formatting guidelines.
Appendices – include an appendix of key artifacts related to the project as necessary. Such artifacts may include; survey results, financials, correspondence with the organization, brochures and other informative material, financials, organization charts, etc.

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