Posted: October 2nd, 2022

submit a 5 Forces analysis of a particular industry

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You are required to submit a 5 Forces analysis of a particular industry( in the uploadfolder document name “Movie Theatres in Canada Industry Report – Aug 2022”)
This includes all aspects of Porter’s model. It is important to incorporate facts and figures from the industry document. You will be graded on your ability to write a concise, accurate, and in-depth analysis with corresponding implications.
YYou must specify whether each force is high, medium or low and then make a final determination of the overall attractiveness of this industry based on your analysis of high, medium or low. Read “How competitive forces shape strategy” in the Harvard Business Review for background information which you will find on the upload folder.
The total report is limited to 1 page of text;
Your full name, student #, section #, must be at the top right corner of the page;
8.5 X 11-inch paper, 1-inch margins, 12-point font, single-spaced.
Please note, you must ONLY use the information in the industry note for your analysis. There is no need for a bibliography or citations of external sources. All references to facts or numbers from the industry note are known to the evaluators so there is no need to reference where you found them either.
“Please communicate the forces in this order and using these titles: Potential Entrants > Buyers > Substitutes > Suppliers > Competitive Rivalry.”

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