Posted: September 14th, 2022


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Welcome to PLD 490c. This capstone project course and will be significantly different in format than your other PL courses—but very similar to your project courses in SIMY 357 and/or PLD 450. Each element of this course is built specifically to support your success in the next element of the course, taking you systematically through the project.
For this pre-proposal task, you will identify 2-3 real, unsolved Management problems, of interest to you, and write separate problem statements that are supported by a valid industry or academic source. Later in the project, you will identify solutions, implementation plans, and evaluation methods to address your identified problem. Problem statements are typically 1-2 sentences.
Step 1: On one page, please write 2-3 problem statements that identify current management problems, of interest to you, and that are supported by valid academic or industry sources. Include an in-text citation in your problem statement and a full APA reference below each problem statement.
Here’s a fictitious example of a problem statement:
The attrition of Professional Engineer (PE)-qualified nuclear engineers is creating a lack of technical experience and historical knowledge at the management levels of U.S. nuclear power plants. (Smith, 2021).
Smith, H. (2021, January 11). Waves of PEs retiring from U.S. nuclear plants. Nuclear News.
(Please use this as a guide, but not as a version of your problem statement.)
Step 2: At the end of the same page, please identify 3 dates/times you are available for a 30 to 45-minute Zoom meeting to discuss your problem statement and next steps with your faculty. Your faculty will respond in the grade book and will send you a Zoom invitation.
Step 3: Prepare one feasible solution for each problem statement to discuss at the Zoom meeting with your faculty.
Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible location and submit a copy to your instructor below using the Submit Paper link.

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