Posted: February 24th, 2022

Suppose you wish to help people learn how to carry out a fitness exercise routine using workout equipment. Would it better to use a series of still diagrams, an animation, or a video?

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Questions Set 1 (Select one or more of the questions to address. Questions based on the following assigned module readings: R&D Sections VIII and IX.)
Suppose you wish to help people learn how to carry out a fitness exercise routine using workout equipment. Would it better to use a series of still diagrams, an animation, or a video? Would it be better to use printed text or spoken text or no text? Justify your answer in terms of your readings, research evidence and a cognitive theory of learning.
Suppose you wish to help people learn how a virus causes a new flu strain. You develop a set of PowerPoint slides depicting the six steps in the process, along with on-screen text. Your supervisor suggests that the lesson should include some interesting stories about viruses to help spice up an otherwise dry presentation. Based on the research evidence and your understanding of how learning works, how would you respond to your supervisor?
What differences in the use of visuals, text, and audio might you consider for a lesson on how to use exercise equipment versus how a virus causes the flu? What differences might you consider for learners who are new to the concept of viruses versus learners with background on that topic? Compare and contrast instructional treatments based on differences in the desired learning outcomes and learner backgrounds based on the evidence we have discussed.

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