Posted: June 6th, 2022

Synergy, Radical Change

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– The paper must include:
Gain the reader’s interest by asking an intriguing question or providing an attention-grabbing example of a problem associated with your topic.
Include one or more topic sentences that explain how your paper is organized. For example: “This paper presents research on the following subtopics: Name of Subtopic 1, Name of subtopic 2, etc. In addition, an application section is included.”
Body of the Paper: Three Subtopics and an Application Section
Organize your paper by dividing the content into three (3) subtopics. Use boldface headings to separate discussion on each subtopic.
Also include an “Application/My Opinion” section. In this section, apply topic-related concepts to your work or other experience with teamwork. Begin this section with a boldface heading.
Briefly summarize the highlights or bottom-line of what you have discussed.
You might draw an overall conclusion about the importance of the topic to effective business management.
TOPIC Ideas: Synergy, Radical Change…

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