Posted: October 12th, 2022

Teach a course in Foundations in Organizational Development to a mixed group of adult learners and working professionals

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Instructions: Please answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible. The overall length of the exam should be a maximum of 6 to 8 pages in total (2 to 3 pages per answer should do it). Avoid redundancy.
Highlight specific theories, issues, principles, etc. covered in the text. Utilizing the text is encouraged (Cummings, T. G., Worley, C. G., & Donovan, P. (2020) Organizational Development and Change, 11th edition). Please number your pages and
include your name at the top of each page.
The paper will have to answer the following three questions:
1.) You have been asked to teach a course in Foundations in Organizational Development to a mixed group of adult learners and working professionals.
Please cover salient points crucial to the discussion of Foundations in Organizational Development & Change i.e., Change Theories, Planned & Unplanned Change; The OD Practitioner & Entering an OD Relationship; the process of Organizational Development; the Diagnostic Relationship, Data, and Feedback; Managing Change; Human Process, Technostructural, Human Resource and Strategic Change Interventions, etc. Also, strategic objectives, transformative organizations, importance of culture, differences
between and impact of planned vs. unplanned change, first-order and second order change, ethics, as well as, planning for effective organizational management/change and the possible intervention strategies employed. Give practical and real, life examples in support of the issues that you cover.
In addition to laying out all materials, reflect on the significant aspects of Organizational Development that you have found to be the most challenging and those which have opened new insights for you as a professional. 2.) Introspectively, reflect on the various topics, theories, and issues discussed in the course and how they relate to you, your personal/professional modes and style/philosophy of Organizational Development, Leadership and Intervention/Change Strategy, both as a person, and, as a member of an organization/collective body. Be as specific and comprehensive as possible.
3.) Identify a “current development event”/task that has recently occurred in your world/work, assigned you/others. Identify the development event/task and how you/those who worked with you responded/ communicated to those affected by the event/ change. The purpose is not to be “political” but rather, to consciously communicate with and objectively examine in an analytical fashion, the event/task and how those responsible for it, dealt with the execution of the change/issue; either effectively and/or
ineffectively from an Organizational Development perspective. Justify your “rationale” for determining if the Change/Intervention Strategy was handled
effectively and/or ineffectively by those responsible using theory(ies) and analytical techniques learned in this course. What was the most challenging
aspect of the Organizational Development process/work? Why? What could
be/was learned? What could have been done more effectively to improve the
execution/ outcome of the “Organizational Development/Change Strategy?”

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