Posted: October 12th, 2022

Teams are tempted to immediately identify solutions for implementation: Explain why is important to follow a process for understanding the problem, and who should be involved in final solution prioritization

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1. In many projects, teams are tempted to immediately identify solutions for implementation. Explain why is important to follow a process for understanding the problem, and who should be involved in final solution prioritization. In response to peers, discuss whether you agree with the individuals involved in developing a problem-solving strategy.
2.On the “Problem Solutions Matrix” resource, the category “Customer Importance” received twice the weight of all other categories. Using what you learned from the study materials, discuss whether this criterion was weighted appropriately and include discussion of other criteria indicated that could be weighted differently. Support your reasoning with relative examples. In response to peers, discuss whether you agree with the proposed weighting for the “Problem Solutions Matrix” criteria.

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