Posted: September 1st, 2022

Technology can help businesses run efficiently and effectively. Tablets can be used to create invoices, cell phones can be used to call clients, laptops can allow employees to work from home, etc.

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Business Maths Statistics Unit 4 Discussion
Technology can help businesses run efficiently and effectively. Tablets can be used to create invoices, cell phones can be used to call clients, laptops can allow employees to work from home, etc.
Post 1: Initial Response
Your business is in need of some new technology. Find one or more pieces of office technology that your business can use (computers, printers, tablets, cell phones etc.) with a total price of at least $10,000. Include the URL to the item(s) you are purchasing in your post. State the number of items and total price of your purchase in your post.
To pay for this/these asset(s), you will take out a simple interest loan. The loan will begin on today’s date (the date you are completing this post) and end on the month and day of your birthday (or another significant date in your life). You will be charged 4.5% exact interest. Calculate the exact time for your loan (state the month and day of your birthday/significant day in your post). Calculate the amount of exact interest you will pay and the maturity value. Show all steps in your calculations.
Describe how your business will use the technology you are purchasing with a summary paragraph. Using several sentences, discuss whether financing your asset(s) is in the best interest of your business.
Include these items in your post:
URL, number and total price of asset(s) purchased
Today’s date, month and day of your birthday/significant day
Exact time, exact interest, maturity value
Steps in calculations
125 to 150 words

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