Posted: July 20th, 2022

Textbook Scott, P. (2018). Introduction to Financial Accounting. Oxford University Press: Oxford; ISBN: 9780198783299

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Using the transactions provided to you in the spreadsheet, complete the simplified balance sheet.
Do not change any of the formulas; make sure your total assets equal your total liabilities.
If it doesn’t add up, you entered the transactions incorrectly!!!
Again, do not change the formulas provided to you!
You must use the spreadsheet provided to you – do not create your own spreadsheet; do not submit a PDF file!
Assignment: Using the transactions below, complete the simplified Balance Sheet for the month of April. Use the template provided here; do not change the formulas. Make sure your total assets equal your total liabilities.
Scott, P. (2018). Introduction to Financial Accounting. Oxford University Press: Oxford; ISBN:

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