Posted: July 6th, 2022

the advantages and disadvantages of global vs localized approaches · how Hofstede’s dimensions can be used to target certain cultures

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Task – Report You work for marketing department of a successful food manufacturer that wants to expand into international markets. They are considering starting an international marketing campaign, and they want you to do some research into the topic. Write a report into what makes intercultural marketing successful including: · A clear introduction
· the advantages and disadvantages of global vs localized approaches · how Hofstede’s dimensions can be used to target certain cultures · supported with examples of successful campaigns · a conclusion with recommendations Formalities:
· · Wordcount: 900
· · Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount. · · Report format with clear headings for sections · · Font: Arial 12 pts. · · Text alignment: Justified. · · The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style. It assesses the following learning outcomes: · · an understanding of how cultural dimensions reflect cultural values · · what adaptations of cultural factors are necessary to ensure successful intercultural marketing, eg communication style, the attitudes to gender, power relationships, individuality etc.

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