Posted: March 3rd, 2023

The assigned documentary on Artemisia, posits the following in its descriiption

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The assigned documentary on Artemisia, posits the following in its descriiption of the film:
“Artemisia Gentilsechi is the queen of Baroque Painting, the darling of feminist art historians, the subject of at least three best sellers, and one highly criticized movie. But what most people remember of Artemisia’s life and what they see in her art is her rape at the age of 17 by a painter and friend of her father’s. But did this cruel attack and the subsequent betrayal really lead Artemisia to act out some form of revenge in her painting? Who was the real Artemisia? A victim who relived a horrible event over and over again? A succubus who projected her revenge fantasies on her canvases? Or was she an extraordinary artist who triumphed in an era dominated by supremely talented men such as Caravaggio and Rubens?”
In an essay of 500-650 words, respond to these questions within the context of your readings on feminist theory and biography as methodologies in approaching the history of art. Describe the relevance and limitations of each.

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