Posted: February 24th, 2022

the book ” Leading Change” by John P. Kotter

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Hello, i have an assignment about the book ” Leading Change” by John P. Kotter
· 10
page double spaced paper 12 font with normal word margins
· No
use of existing report text so must be your original work with no use of
various Internet report sites like CHEGG or any other sites that may illustrate
any questions of the report not being your own work – it will be reported
· The
first 5 pages is a summary of each chapter of the book in your own words
· The
next 4 pages is the application part and this is where you will reseach at
least 3 companies that have implemented change and utilized at least one of the
steps from the book. You also have to
select at least 3 different steps.
· The
last page is a summary of what you will do when you implement change throughout
your career
· Citations
from the research should be on the 11th page.

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