Posted: May 11th, 2022

the BP oil spill and how it affected their business directly.

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Need to talk about the BP oil spill and how it affected their business directly. How it affected their business internally and the day to day operations. How they responded to the spill and how they managed the cleanup. Also need to talk about how the 4 spheres of corporate management and how the spill relates to each sphere. 1. the commitments of private life, 2. the commitments of economic agents, 3. commitments as company leaders, and 4. responsibilities beyond the firm’s boundaries.
Also need to answner these questions: Four questions provide a basic framework for assessing possible ways of resolving a difficult dilemma: 1. Which course of action will do the most good and the least harm? 2. Which alternative best serves others’ rights, including shareholders’ rights? 3. What plan can the executive live with that is consistent with the basic values and commitments of the company? 4. Which course of action is feasible in the world as it is?

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