Posted: June 2nd, 2022

The capstone project is designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, analyze current practices in the aviation industry, and develop skills such as written communication, research skills, planning, self-sufficiency, and goal setting.

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The capstone project is designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, analyze current practices in the aviation industry, and develop skills such as written communication, research skills, planning, self-sufficiency, and goal setting.
This assignment will enable the student to practice the research and writing skills expected in the aviation industry.
This assignment will help the student explore current and emerging trends in the aviation industry while applying aeronautical science concepts.
Capitalizing on the concepts that learned throughout the Aeronautical Science degree, the students will write a 3000-4000 words research-based paper explaining or exploring how an emerging theme or topic in the aviation industry relates to real-world application of aeronautical decision making, crew resource management, threat and error management, modern techniques and technology, national and/or international business sustainability, and/or Part 91/135/121 operations. Students are expected to review the sample APA papers to develop an idea of what the final manuscript should look like.
Your assignment will be graded based on the attached rubric. Keep in mind that this assignment must be written in current APA guidelines. Furthermore, the assignment must include the following sections at a minimum:
Title Page
Abstract Page
Literature Review
References [a minimum of ten (10) scholarly references must be included]
1The title, abstract, and references pages do not count towards the required word count of the assignment.
2The student has the option to work in groups of no more than four (4) members.
3If the students opt for working in a group, everyone in the group will receive the same grade unless the student(s) provide(s) the instructor with documented evidence that one or more members did not equally contribute to the assignment.
4Assignments that do not comply with the minimum criteria outlined, will not be accepted.

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