Posted: February 24th, 2022

The Covid 19 Pandemic has been devastating to many nursing homes. The data show that a disproportionate share of nursing home residents died as result of Covid 19.

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The Covid 19 Pandemic has been devastating to many nursing homes. The data show that a disproportionate share of nursing home residents died as result of Covid 19. What can you a future health care practitioner and/or manager learn from this event? We should learn from this experience; this might help us the next time; there will be a next time. The lessons we learn now will serve us well in the future. Therefore, here is your assignment.
There are five parts for your consideration:
1. Consider Personal Protection Equipment (gloves, mask, gowns) – PPEs? Why was this a problem for facilities – how was the this problem impacted by manufacturing issues?
2. How did Covid 19 negatively impact nursing home staff, residents and their families?
3. Former Governor and the Department of Health made decisions that negatively impact nursing homes. What were these decisions? What were the negative outcomes? Are there consequences to these decisions
4. How did Covid 19 negatively impact the financial status of NYS nursing homes? How is Covid 19 shaping the future of nursing homes from a financial perspective (consider revenue and expenses)?
5. How did Covid 19 change life in a nursing home after Covid 19? What did Government (Federal and State) do that is impactful? What happened with staffing issue?
To answer these questions, you will need to find at least two (2) articles as your sources of information for each part. This mean you will need at least ten (10) sources for this paper. You will have to site your sources and properly reference on each analysis. You should select credible sources: The New York Times, JAMA, McKnights Long Term Care, Kaiser Family Foundation, AMDA are examples.
You submission should have at least four (4) paragraph summary/analysis for each question (at least 20 paragraphs for 5 question). The maximum number of pages is 15. This is a project is due 3/30, 11:59 PM . It is worth fifteen (15) points in total.

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