Posted: February 12th, 2022

“The culture Puerto Rican”

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Learning Goal:

I’m working on a communications discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

The PDF helping you to understand each point.

“The culture Puerto Rican”-research the nonverbal behaviors of a specific socioculture and present your findings to the class.

Be sure to use specific examples, and explain how the socioculture’s nonverbal communication is unique when compared to other sociocultures.

Pretend you are preparing us for an interaction with this group.

What should we expect to see?

What nonverbal behaviors are taboo?

1) Find for culture Puerto Rican this 5 Dimensions of Culture by use specific examples, and explain how the socioculture’s nonverbal communication:collective, Immediate, High Power Distance, High Context, and Femininity) with picture of each one
Requirements: as required

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