Posted: February 23rd, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a literature discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.The development of the Ghost Dance religion and the subsequent massacre at Wounded Knee—both of which took place in 1890—are watershed moments in Native American history. The Ghost Dance has come to represent many things about this pivotal moment in Native American history: an emerging pan-tribalism that united formal rivals in collective opposition to Euro-American oppression; the creative synergy of Christian and Native religious traditions (Wovoka, the prophet of the Ghost Dance, is called the “Messiah,” but the rituals he performs emerge from tribal customs); a desperate attempt to halt the continuing advance of settlers to the West; and, with the culmination of the massacre at Wounded Knee, a feeling that the tide of history had irrevocably turned against the Native Americans.Some scholars say Charles Eastman works to find similarities between Santee and Euro-American culture in order to “envision himself as a member of [Euro-American] society” (Allred 120).Discuss in a 300-word post how (in the short excerpt from our anthology) Eastman characterizes or draws equivalences between Santee and white manhood. Tie your claim to a specific moment or two where we see an example of how Eastman views “manhood” from his unique position between and within two cultures. It might help to read the “headnote” biography of Eastman which appears immediately before the excerpt.
Requirements: 300 word | .doc file
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