Posted: June 20th, 2022

The difference between luminescence and chemiluminescence.

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This is 5-page single space paper.
The purpose of this paper is to write a journal manuscript to report the experiment results to technical audience.
Writing a manuscript for a peer-reviewed journal addresses the final point. It is important to clearly and precisely communicate scientific ideas and results in peer-reviewed journals so that there is a written record of your contributions to expanding human knowledge
– Read the lab report “Lab Report.pdf” file, using information to write this paper.
Note: in general, the idea and information from the lab report will be used for this Journal Manuscript paper. Reword the sections following: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, References; edit information for Discussion section based on the feedback. The main different of this paper from the “Lab Report.pdf” is the addition sections of Abstract and Conclusion.
Have title describes the lab content concisely, adequately and appropriately.
Abstract: (The clarity and conciseness of your scientific abstract which will state the purpose, methods, and result of the work.)
– In a few sentences, write the necessary background information to demonstrate its importance which related to the purpose of the experiment.
i.e.: talk about luminescence.
– In a few sentences, write the scientific problem and the purpose of the experiment.
i.e.: Problem is the lack of experimental knowledge about the difference between luminescence and chemiluminescence.
Purpose is to observe the light emission process of luminescence and chemiluminescence and to explain and differentiate the two concepts from a quantum mechanics perspective.
– In a few sentences, write the methods used and any critical information needed to reproduce your results.
– In a few sentences, write the results with an interpretation that relates these results back to your purpose.
Introduction: (Concisely but clearly describes the scientific problem and provides the necessary background for context. The purpose/objective(s) of the work must also be stated)
– Reword the information of this section and keep the order of the narrative.
– Insert figures in order with each paragraph.
– Scientific problem is the lack of experimental knowledge about the difference between luminescence and chemiluminescence.
– The purpose is to observe the light emission process of luminescence and chemiluminescence and to explain and differentiate the two concepts from a quantum mechanics perspective. This also helps better understand the Jablonski diagram and recognize the transition of luminescence and chemiluminescence experimentally.
– Explains how the experiment was performed with any specific details necessary to reproduce your results.
Results: (Presents key results using effective and properly formatted figures/tables.)
– Includes text before the figures which clearly explains figures, summarizes results.
– Use the same figures from Results section.
– Include description of each figure below the figures.
– Concisely and clearly discusses how the results achieve the purpose outlined in the Introduction and considers any significant uncertainties which shape the interpretation of the results.
– Puts the results into context against other published works and extend/enlighten other fields.
– The first highlight part in Discussion section of PDF file feedback “the physical insight here is good. It’s a simple description, but this is the sort of thing that shows that we learned something by doing this work and putting it into context with the literature.”
– The second highlight part in Discussion section of PDF file feedback “A little bit more here would be stronger. Also, the difference that you are talking about here could be due to the fact that you’re using a continuous light to stimulate the quinine while the spin-flip experiment is only available while there are still reactants.”
– Restates the purpose of the experiment.
– Clearly restates the important results (including numerical values) and trends.
– Relates the results to the purpose and broader scientific field.
It’s ok to just use the references from “Lab Report.pdf”. Using ACS style.

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