Posted: August 19th, 2022

The essay needs to take pictures from daily life, but as long as the picture doe

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The essay needs to take pictures from daily life, but as long as the picture doesn’t show specific locations other than Seattle, I think it is fine. The topic strange/familiar, to give an example, I have a few ideas like the school dorm where I used to live, it is familiar to me but now it is a little strange because it’s been 2 years since I moved out from there. Below is the essay prompt, and the slides attached are lecture slides that provide terms for the paper.
Prompt: Strange Familiar/Familiar Strange
Anthropology is often contextualized and explained through its capacity for making the strange familiar and the familiar strange. For this assignment, you will be asked to shoot and compose your own photo-essay on the theme of the “strange familiar” or the “familiar strange.” In doing so, you will explore the strangeness of our familiar social practices and vice versa.*
Photo essays are exceptional communicative way to present ideas that merge written and visual work into a single output. Your photo essay should include seven images. All photos used must be your own. You may not recycle photos you have already taken. Instead, I challenge you to make new images responding to the prompt provided and your interpretation of it. I have given you the entry point, you must make the theme your own through the subject you choose.
Once you have compiled all of the images you have shot, you must then compose them in a thoughtful and communicative photo essay across a four page PDF (artist statement not included).** You may use less space if you so choose, but you may not use more. In your layout, you should consider where to position the photo essay’s title (required) for maximum effect, the progression of images and ideas, framing, and captions. Your captions should not be more than a sentence long and should not repeat information the image provides (e.g., a photo of cards on a table captioned “cards on table”; instead, a more successful caption might be “winning poker hand”). You may also choose to edit your images as much or as little as you wish; do so thoughtfully and make note of how you have manipulated the original image and why in your artist statement.
In addition to your photo essay, you will also be responsible for composing an artist’s statement elaborating on your theme and intent. In doing so, you should link your work to at least two analytic ideas discussed in our readings or lecture (terms of formal analysis such as contrast, framing, etc. do not count). Make these connections clear and concise. Your statement should be roughly 1 page in length, 1.5 spacing (approximately 400-500 words). Citations should be provided in a standard citation style such as Chicago, MLA, or APA, etc.
For this assignment, you will need to upload two files. One will be your photo essay (submitted as a PDF), while the other will be your artist’s statement. You will only be able to upload one at a time and only the most recent will show through the student on Canvas, however all uploads will be visible from the instructor view.
A sample photo essay created in PowerPoint can be viewed here
*In the process of creating your images and photo-essay, be mindful of the ethics of image-production. Do not take photographs of people who do not wish to be photographed. Whenever possible, ask a person if they will allow you take photographs of them before doing so. Always be careful to represent the people in your images with dignity and respect.
** Although you can use a graphic design software or app to design your layout, PowerPoint or Slides are equally acceptable and provide sufficient design flexibility to succeed with this project. Just be sure to export as a PDF before uploading.

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