Posted: July 12th, 2022

The Functions and Roles of HRM

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application assignment requires you to share a newsworthy story OR a workplace
experience that demonstrates how one course concept from the Module has been
used in practice. This course is
specifically about Human Resource Management. Therefore, the concept you choose should be
related to HRM based on the material covered in this week’s module:
1. The
Functions and Roles of HRM
2. Strategic
Issues in HRM
3. HRM
as a Partner in Strategic Planning
4. What
Everyone Knows is True about HRM (and Isn’t)
5. The
Cost of Efficiency
6. The
HR Scorecard
title of application assignment AND first sentence of assignment must indicate
the chosen course concept from Module 1.
part of application assignment must provide only a brief summary of
your work-related news article/workplace experience to frame
your discussion so that what you are discussing is clear but
is not the majority of the post. Remainder
of application assignment and the primary focus of it is
not describing your article/experience in great detail but
rather meeting the relevant criteria outlined in the application
assignment rubric using your work-related article or workplace
experience as the context.
News Story Option (if chosen): News
story must be from a credible source within the last 4 years with
appropriate citation.
must be provided on why the story is immediately relevant to the
concept/topic being covered.
which are purely opinion and anecdotal are not considered to be
substantive in nature.
external sources to support information required In addition to the
news story from a credible source.
news story from an external source plus two additional external sources
resources used in the assignment must be cited.
textbook chapters from the course do not count as
external sources.

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