Posted: May 7th, 2022

The Heart of Darkness: Analyze Conrad’s use of images of light and darkness in the novella.

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Your essay should be at least 1500 words (about five pages in length) and utilize at least five sources. It should be double spaced throughout and follow MLA format. Please don’t include a title page; a simple MLA style heading will suffice (your name, my name, class title, and date in the top left corner). Center your title below the heading. It should include the title of the text(s) you’re working with and briefly describe or refer to your topic. Each page of the essay should also include a header comprised of your last name and the page number. This header should appear in the top right corner at the ½” margin.
Your essay should respond to one of the following questions below.
The Heart of Darkness
Analyze Conrad’s use of images of light and darkness in the novella.
Define the heart of darkness—what is it? Where does it reside?
Write an essay that discusses Conrad’s novel with Eliot’s poem, “The Hollow Men”
Woolf/The Hours
How is The Hours a modernist film?
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is a study in Prufrock’s psychological condition, and, by extension, the condition the psychological condition of the modern man. With this in mind, compare and contrast Prufrock’s self-image with the image he presents to others.
Write an essay that discusses Prufrock as a modernist poem. What, exactly, is “modern” about it? How does it adhere to the tenants of modernism as we defined them in class?
Given our class discussion, what, ultimately, is the meaning of Gregor’s metamorphosis. Discuss the implications of Kafka’s choice of animal with respect to Gregor’s life before the change, and speculate as to Kafka’s larger purpose.
How is Gregor’s situation analogous to that of a disabled or chronically ill person? What are the larger implications of such a comparison?
Postcolonial Writers
How do Walcott’s “A Far Cry from Africa” and / or Darwish’s “Identity Card” conform to the standards of a postcolonial text?
Analyze a single image or group of related images from either of the poems we discussed in class.
How does Achebe directly engage, challenge, and respond to Conrad’s The Heart of Darkness in Things Fall Apart?

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