Posted: July 22nd, 2022

The IBS 2201 Final Project assignment requires students to analyze how cultural and other differences between home and foreign country influence the business/marketing strategy of the international company competing in that foreign country

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The IBS 2201 Final Project assignment requires students to analyze how cultural and other differences between home and foreign country influence the business/marketing strategy of the international company competing in that foreign country
the Final Project Assignment is due at end of Week 11. Late submission will attract penalties (10% deduction per day).
You should continue to use the same international company and the foreign/host country that you selected in Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment (unless you have special approval from your instructor to change).
The assignment is to be submitted as a Word document with Times New Romans font, size 12 with a one-inch margin, and double-spaced.
The written submission should be between 6-8pages for the paper.. These exclude cover page and references. Your cover page shall include Name of Course (IBS 2201), name of international company selection and the host country as well as the submission date
Your paper shall include a Reference list (in APA 7th edition format and listed alphabetically). See attached for Summary of APA Guide and examples for proper APA referencing and in-text citations
Students are expected to proofread their assignment and spell check their submission using MS Word spelling and grammar checker. Points will be deducted for lack of academic discipline
Students should note that the School has a strict policy against plagiarism. Assignment submitted with excessive TI similarity score will be given zero scores and reported to the School for disciplinary actions as needed.
All submissions will be validated with Turnitin (TI) which is the platform used by the School to flag any plagiarism. You can submit multiple times to TI as long as it is before the due date. Acceptable TI similarity score is around 10-15% (excluding references and quotations).
See below for an outline of your IBS 2201 Final Project Assignment which includes both partsin the final paper

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