Posted: April 16th, 2022

the impact of imperialism in China in the 19th century.

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Now is your opportunity to think about the impact of imperialism  in China in the 19th century. Based on what you have learned in the lesson,  you will write two paragraphs—one discussing the impact of imperialism  on China and one discussing the motivations for and the impact of  imperialism on imperialist European nations.
Step 1: Write one paragraph discussing the impact of imperialism on China.  Use the information you learned in the lesson about the impact of colonization on China in your response.
Step 2: Write one paragraph discussing the  motivations for and impact of imperialism on European nations. Use the  information you learned in the lesson about the impact of colonization on European nations in your response.
Both paragraphs must:
have at least six sentences, including introduction and conclusion sentences
use specific examples from the lesson for support

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