Posted: May 14th, 2022

The impact of the relationship between coach and athlete on self-esteem.

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REVISED EDUCSW 303 Assignment 3 Written Research Investigation (30% of final grade)
Length: Submit a 3000-word (maximum) overview of your research investigation. This forms the BASIS of your Final Presentation where you share what you have learned, and suggest how it could be used in practice.
1. Title (1%)
This should be the proposed title of your Final Presentation. It should identify the Topic and Focus of your presentation.
For example: The impact of the relationship between coach and athlete on self-esteem. [Topic is coach-athlete relationships, focus is its impact on athlete’s self-esteem]
For example: Why schools need to educate about endometriosis. [Topic is endometriosis, focus is on why and what information schools should be teaching about this topic]
2. Introduction: Contextualise your topic and focus (3%)
In one sentence, Introduce your research topic (e.g. how mental health impacts on youth wellbeing or, how is critical pedagogy being taught in school physical education)
In 1 sentence, show how the topic links to your professional field of interest
Briefly explain why this research is relevant to you and others: i.e. identify the broader context of the issue: You can include references to news media articles or articles from The Conversation or similar ‘academics-writing-for-the-public websites to demonstrate the importance of the issue to the general public, government, sport, athletes, etc.
3. Scope and nature of research findings (20%: the bulk of your marks)
This section is based on 10 academic research articles you have found on your Topic and Focus: You may also include NZ Government or reliable organisation reports/guidelines, such as Ministry of Education, Sport New Zealand. Do not include news media or news opinion articles here.
Most of the material in this section will go into your Final Presentation. Where possible, write a couple of sentences that report patterns across the 10 articles. Here you must focus on published research by academic researchers (which may include additional studies or reports by organisations).
Identify and explain the nature of the research methodology in your field: How did the authors of your research articles gather information about the topic – Is it largely qualitative or quantitative, interpretative or positivist or critical? (If unclear about this, revisit the “Your Questions and Research Paradigms powerpoint”).
Report the scope and nature of the related research in your field: what are the key topics and what are the key concerns or issues.
What are the most important findings? Here you can provide examples and evidence from individual articles. This should be the largest SECTION.
Discuss any points on which different researchers come to similar or different conclusions
Identify if there are any major points of disagreement.
4. Discussion (6%)
What did you learn from this research?
Relevance to professional practice: Explain how this research can be used to support professional practice. If possible give some examples and/or make recommendations for how practitioners could or should use it.

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