Posted: February 22nd, 2022

The Importance of Accuracy in Technical Writing

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The Importance of Accuracy in Technical Writing
The writing you create in the workplace reflects many things. From your writing, your coworkers and others can deduce your level of education, background, investment in your work, and your dedication to a project. Small errors in workplace writing, however, can negatively impact your profile and reputation. Therefore, you want to avoid these errors at all costs.
Discussion Topic
Many students are under the impression that they wont have to do much writing in the workplace; yet, no matter what field you are in, you will be working with other people. That means your main mode of communication will be writing, no matter the situation. Because of this, you will have to make sure that your grammar, spelling, and formatting are accurate.
Not everyone can remember grammar rules automatically. Writers use many tools to ensure that their writing is accurate. For this discussion, please search the internet to find out what tools, apps, or handbooks are out there that can help you to achieve accuracy in all forms of your writing. Please provide links so that your colleagues can explore these resources.
Formatting for Discussion Topics:
Please use memo-formatting in your responses. Divide each section into Introduction (why you are completing this assignment), Resources (the documents you have discovered, the format they come in, and the ways they can be used), and Reviews (what you think of each source). You can organize your sections further by adding subsection bulleted lists if you choose. The goal is to create an organized and easily readable memo.
You can easily download a memo template through MSOffice or by going to Google Docs, selecting Add-ons in the menu bar, then selecting Template Gallery for Docs, then searching for Memo. Your textbook also shows you how to create a memo with multiple examples.
PLEASE NOTE: Do not copy classmates’ work in any discussion thread. This is considered plagiarism and you will be penalized according to NJITs Academic Integrity Code. Additionally, you are not sure if your classmates have done everything correctly, so it would be unwise to proceed in this fashion.

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