Posted: February 24th, 2022

The Ludlow Massacre

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Introduction to Organizational Communication
Case Study Assignment 1
In this assignment you will select an organizational case or topic (an organizational incident that made
the news. For example. The Ludlow Massacre). This could be from factory closings, to safety issues, to
human resource conflicts, to impact of covid 19 on a particular company or industry.
This assignment has 2 parts:
1) Topic (10 points): You will choose a topic for this essay assignment. Your topic will need to be
approved by your professor. You will briefly describe the topic and provide two credible sources
of information. The topic is worth 10 points. Refer to the instructions on discussion post in
Module 5 for specific instructions.
2) Analysis essay (25 points): For you essay, you will analyze the case you chose and then apply
different theoretical perspectives to analyze the organizational issue you have chosen. To do
that, refer to the specific prompts below. This part of the assignment is worth 25 points.
Analysis Essay:
Once you topic is approved, you need to research the topic and analyze the issue using the two different
perspectives of organizations:
1) Classical Tradition Approach (Chapter 2)
2) Human Resources and Human Relations Approach (Chapter 3)
You will write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) essay where you will answer the following prompts:
1) Briefly describe the organizational case you have selected? What happened, who was involved,
when did it happen, where did it happen, what started the incident (or how did it happen). (2
2) We have learnt in this class that organizations and issues within them are communicatively
constituted? Briefly argue how and what communicative processes influenced the incident you
are describing today? (3 points)
3) Using one of the classical theories, analyze the incident that you have chosen. In this prompt,
you are explaining/defining at least 2 specific concepts of a theory; and then provide examples
from your organizational incident to explain the theoretical concept? (10 points)
4) Now, using one of the human relations theories, analyze the incident that you have chosen. In
this prompt, you are explaining/defining at least 2 specific concepts of the theory you have
chosen and provide examples from the organizational incident you have selected? (10 points)
Your points are based on your assertion-evidence style and how well you make connections with the
theory and the case. Your essay needs to have both in-text citations and a reference sheet.

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