Posted: June 30th, 2022

The purpose of this assignment is for students to familiarize themselves with similarities among commonly used business plan models. Students will describe how to use systems-based theoretical applications in the management ofhealth care systems and services.

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The purpose of this assignment is for students to familiarize themselves with similarities among commonly used business plan models. Students will describe how to use systems-based theoretical applications in the management ofhealth care systems and services.
Research a minimum of three business plan models. (Please note, you cannot choose those provided in Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin.)
In a paper of 1250-1,500-words:
Compare the three business plan models.
Describe the strengths and limitations of these models.
Compare these models to the business plan models in either Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin.
Select the model that you believe will work best for your assigned CLC Business Plan and explain your rationale for this selection.
Using your selection, describe how to use systems-based theoretical applications in the management of health care systems and services.

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