Posted: July 18th, 2022

The purpose of this assignment is for students to gain an understanding and appreciation for the role of communication and advertising in the health care marketing function. Students will choose a health care organization’s advertisement such as a television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or internet web page. Evaluate the purpose, objective, message, intended audience, uniqueness, etc., of the advertisement.

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The purpose of this assignment is for students to gain an understanding and appreciation for the role of communication and advertising in the health care marketing function. Students will choose a health care organization’s advertisement such as a television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or internet web page. Evaluate the purpose, objective, message, intended audience, uniqueness, etc., of the advertisement. Identify how the advertisement fits into the organization’s overall marketing and strategic objectives. Specify what the advertisement is trying to accomplish and present your evaluation as to its effectiveness. This paper should be no longer than 2-3 pages (not including title page, appendices and references). Include the advertisement in the appendix of the paper. This assignment takes the place of the usual weekly assignment in the week that Advertising and Sales are covered.

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