Posted: September 7th, 2022

The requirement for this Assignment is to contact a Real Estate Broker or Agent

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The requirement for this Assignment is to contact a Real Estate Broker or Agent in your local area to interview. The Broker or Agent can be someone you have worked with in the past or a friend that works in the Real Estate field. The interview may be done in-person, video chat, or by telephone. Following the interview session, write an 8 to 12 page paper to document your findings based on the interview questions below.
Interview Questions:
Why did you choose the field of real estate as your career? (2 reasons)
What would you advise for a person wanting to enter into this field of real estate?
What type of training did you receive when you entered into this business?
What do you feel you are lacking in training that might assist you in today’s market?
Would you recommend this agency to a new agent? Why or why not?
How do you manage your time regarding client’s schedules?
What are the top categories in Residential Real Estate for your firm?
Please explain how the buying and selling of Residential Real Estate varies from state to state.

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